NUFORC UFO Sighting 106937

Occurred: 2014-02-04 19:30 Local
Reported: 2014-02-04 19:10 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes

Location: St. Petersburg, FL, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

While walking my dog , I saw a star like object move and disappeared .

FEBUARY 4 , 2014 , TUESDAY; AROUND 7:30 PM. I was walking my dog around 7:30 pm , glanced over towards the west and a star caught my eye . What was different it was moving. I was using the telephone pole and powers lines as a eye guide .

When it flew wwn it gradually went up and down , not up and down fast , like it was in a turbulence or somewhat . Then it starting to fade to nothing or maybe the direction that it was going could have been heading north .

There was no flashing red light , no sound and after it disappear a smaller plane was coming up with a flashing red light like it going to the area where it disappeared .

North of me there is airport and to the east three airports , all within 10 to 30 mins driving . While this star was moving there were planes flyng northeast , east and south with flashing red lights .

Since I was walking my dog I couldn't get my smartphone out in time to take a video or pictures .

The star moved and disappeared around 3 mins .

To the best of my knowledge this looked like a star . Some nights you can see falling stars but they moved differently , but no this was a star like object in our air space .

Posted 2014-02-07

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