NUFORC UFO Sighting 106910

Occurred: 2014-02-02 19:00 Local
Reported: 2014-02-03 17:30 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Portland, OR, USA

Shape: Unknown

Bright red orb over N. Portland

I was called outside by my husband and a friend after the superbowl game, they were questioning what was up in the sky and asked me if it was the planet Mars.

Up above us was a bright red orb in the sky, shining underneath a cloud cover and appeared to be moving towards the west hills in N. Portland. It started out bright red, and made no sound. It began to dim until it disappeared completely. I didn't believe that it was a planet or a star because it was underneath a cloud cover, it did not appear to be a plan because it was moving slower than a plane and at times remained still.

Moments later it reappeared bright red again then dimmed and disappeared this was over a period of 15 minutes and after appearing a second time it did not reappear.

I had posted a message on facebook asking if anyone else had saw the bright red light, about an hour later at 20:08 hours a friend who lives 20 miles SW from me responded to my post stating that they could see it and as! ked me what it was. During its second appearance I had taken pictures and a short video of the red orb which my husband had sent prior to this entry.

Posted 2014-02-07

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