NUFORC UFO Sighting 106266
Occurred: 2014-01-12 17:00 LocalReported: 2014-01-13 15:09 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Inverness, MS, USA
Shape: Cigar
500 foot wide silver object moved over 2 1000 foot radio towers no sound then disapiered
I was in the country feeding some dogs and I looked up and about one half mile in front of me was two 1000 foot radio towers and beside the towers was a cloud I thought that was strange because it was the only one in the sky as I watched it dissipated pretty fast and I was shocked to see a object about 500 feet wide it was silver and it started to move over the 2 1000 foot radio towers
I was looking east at the object and it started to move east out away from me it moved slow and made no sound then as I looked it just faded out of sight I was in the army 8 years and I saw a lot of things but nothing like this I know our aircraft and this was not ours as I watched it leave I took note it was about 150 foot thick and it was real sleek there was no wings no windows it was just a silver object I go to church and GOD said he has other sheep and now I know its true we are not alone it does not matter to me if people don't believe me I know what I saw and to every one out there take time to look up it would have been so easy to miss what I saw you really have to stop and look it was a scary thing and I hope to not see another one but I will be looking
Posted 2014-01-16
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