NUFORC UFO Sighting 106264

Occurred: 2014-01-12 13:25 Local
Reported: 2014-01-13 13:36 Pacific
Duration: 10
No of observers: 1

Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Shape: Cigar

I caught two UFO's side by side over Bank of America Stadium during the Playoff game of SF 49ers vs NC Panthers om Sunday 1-12-14

I was watching the Play Off Game between North Caroling Panthers and SF49es on my big Screen HDTV and during a Field Goal by San Francisco, the replay showed the field goal cam under the field go aiming at the sky in the path of the football then I noticed 2 strange objects in the sky. I can't believe no body saw it.

This was broadcasted Nationally so since no one noticed, I decided to record my TV screen with my iphone to catch these objects. I have even posted the video on youtube. It is unaltered. The only altercation I did was to circle the location of these crafts. They are just hovering over the stadium way high up in the sky. I believe it was not visible to the naked eye for those attending and it can only be seen thru this HDTV, especially that the HDTV is very detail, so I circled it.

The video is 38 seconds. So I really don't know how long these things have been up there.

Here is the video:

Posted 2014-01-16

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