NUFORC UFO Sighting 106261
Occurred: 2014-01-12 21:05 LocalReported: 2014-01-13 12:26 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Inchelium, WA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Triangle Flying over Columbia River Colville Reservation
This following account happened the same night that we (son, daughter and I) witnessed an orange light in the sky a few minutes earlier 9:00 pm. We were on our way home from Colville, WA to our home in Inchelium, WA. We were traveling south along the Columbia River on the Inchelium Kettle Falls Road.
After our previous experience, I was searching the night sky for other objects. At around 9:05pm I noticed a white object zigging and zagging in the night sky. I asked my daughter to pull over. We watched the object for about a minute at which point I grab my phone and began to record it. I tried to capture what I could but had a hard time finding it in the view of the camera screen so I shut it off.
After it zigged and zagged, it moved in a circular motion before leveling out and flying north along the Columbia River. As it flew by in silence, we noticed that it had the silhouette of a triangle with a bright light at the point of the triangle and smaller and dimmer lights along the two legs (4 lights on each side) of the triangle but the base of it had no lights it was just black. It was well above the tree line and above the mountaintops. The only reference that I can make to the entire size of it was that it was about four full moons put together in a triangular shape. At this point, my 10-year-old son was getting frightened so we drove off heading for home.
Posted 2014-01-16
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