NUFORC UFO Sighting 106240

Occurred: 2014-01-12 20:15 Local
Reported: 2014-01-12 17:33 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Cleveland, OH, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

15 balls of light moving quite fast in a line towards Lake Erie.

I was looking out my 6th floor apartment window towards the west (towards Lakewood, Rocky River, and points west along the Lake Erie shoreline). Several (15) balls of light came up from the horizon, made an arc movement into the sky, and proceeded to quickly move towards Lake Erie. Within about 30 seconds, each light would be over the lake and they disappeared as they moved towards Canada. They were crossing paths of planes on approach to Cleveland Hopkins that were also out over Lake Erie. They were moving much faster than the planes, seemed to be above the planes that were coming in to land, and they had no flashing lights like the planes (just a red ball of light). Weirdest thing I've ever seen, no explanation other than they were definitely not satellites, meteors, planes, or lanterns (I've seen all of these before).

Posted 2014-01-16

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