NUFORC UFO Sighting 106233
Occurred: 2014-01-10 06:15 LocalReported: 2014-01-12 16:13 Pacific
Duration: ~2 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: El Paso, TX, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
I will be brief. This is the third UFO I have seen so far, and all three in the last four months (speaking in terms of linear time). I walked out of my house in the morning to get my cannabis which I had left in my car. (I had not consumed any yet) Being a winter morning, the sun had not come out yet.
I love to gaze at the stars and have been doing so since I was a child almost daily, Sometimes for hours. (Present age 28) I know the constellations and have and can distinguish stars from planets, plus I have taken some astronomy courses in college and stargazing has been a lifelong hobby.
I noticed a single round, reddish yellowish, greenish light in the sky which moved very rapidly and stood still, then moved again then stood still. Then moved at a constant speed, then came to a complete stop and vanished slowly into the heavens, out of my sight. It did not share any qualities that an airplane exhibits.
An airplane’s light flickers at a constant tempo and the movement is constant and CAN NOT come to a complete stop in the middle of the sky.
If I had a compass I would say the UFO came to halt at a perfect North. I did not have a compass so I am basing my observations on the stars’ and the sun’s movements. Make of this experience whatever resonates with your vibrations.
Posted 2014-01-16
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