NUFORC UFO Sighting 106201

Occurred: 2014-01-04 16:22 Local
Reported: 2014-01-11 17:43 Pacific
Duration: seconds?

Location: Prineville, OR, USA

Shape: Oval

Took several photos with new camera (FujiFilm HS50EXR)at close to full zoom (approx 800mm) of rocky peaks about 1.4 km distant from my front porch.

Upon inspecting the photos, I found one to contain an unidentifiable object in the air above the ridge.

The light was close to sunset, rendering the rock formations and the object reddish. The ridge is sharp, the object is blurred, hence moving. Being a pilot with more than the usual awareness of aircraft in the area, I was surprised at having neither seen nor heard an aircraft at the time I took the photos.

Other photos, taken seconds apart, but not of same location, show no such image.


Source of report is experienced aviator. However, we believe that the photo is of a bird in flight, and we suspect that it may have been a mourning dove. PD

Posted 2014-01-16

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