NUFORC UFO Sighting 106196
Occurred: 1997-10-19 02:00 LocalReported: 2014-01-11 13:06 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Attleboro, MA, USA
Shape: Light
A small globe of white light hovering over the grass paced my car for several minutes.
I was driving southbound on interstate 95 in Attleboro. At approximately 2:00AM I spotted a globe of white light pacing my car in the median between lanes just before exit 2B. It was clearly visible through the driver's side window and hovered about two or three feet off the ground.
At first I thought it was a dirt bike or glare on the window, but when I rolled down the window, the light continued to pace me and it was clearly not a bike of any kind. I looked out the windshield, then back in case it was a ghost image in my eyes from oncoming headlights, but it didn't move with my vision.
The light paced the car for about ten minutes. I slowed down to forty miles an hour and it slowed as well, still keeping pace.
I am very interested in finding out what it was. I am not a user of drugs and seldom drink. I was not drinking at all that day or for many days prior.
Posted 2014-01-16
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