NUFORC UFO Sighting 10561
Occurred: 1999-11-13 21:00 LocalReported: 1999-11-14 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 second
No of observers: 3
Location: Corbett, OR, USA
Shape: Flash
bright flash that lit up the surrounding area quicker than a meteor or flare could and too big in size also.
I was going for an evening walk after dinner. I was at a spiritual retreat on an approximately 5 acre site owned by a 1st presbeterian church. the moon had already set. I was with two other men. then there was this bright flash, like a camera flash going off. very similar to it since it was that quick strobe like effect and once. I turned my head enough to see the source in my side vision. the source was too big to have been a meteor. it was too short to have been a flare and I know since I've done sailing before and seen flares shot from ships. the flash lit up the entire country side. The two men both saw it as well and didn't know what it was. there was no sound associated with it. later that evening, high winds and heavy fog rolled in that was gone before the next day. I worried a bit about my friend's father. My friend often has unexplained nosebleeds but does not know what he thinks about ufos, whether to believe or not. his father claims to have seen one at one time in his military service and he lived not 10 minutes from where I was. My father and I both have very bad headaches tonight (11/14/19 ~2100) and I have not seen him in at least three days so it is unusual for them to hit us both with no common precursors, though I do not know if that has anything to do with the UFO or the general supernatural forces that often surround us. I was asked to report to this site by a man named David who was also at the retreat with me.
Posted 1999-11-17
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