NUFORC UFO Sighting 105305

Occurred: 2013-12-12 21:00 Local
Reported: 2013-12-13 16:59 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Milwaukee, WI, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

Craft with white and red lights hovering and slowly moving SE from Froedert Hospital past State Fair Park

Traveling west on I-94 from Milwaukee around 9pm, I was on my way to pick up a friend when, nearing Miller Park, I noticed an aircraft hovering above the area around Froedert Hospital. With two bright white lights connected by smaller red and white blinking lights, I thought it was an airplane at first, except it remained almost completely stationary. Maybe it was a helicopter, I thought, as I continued on my way to my friend's place, losing sight of it.

About 15 minutes later at around 9:15pm, my friend and I were getting back onto I-94 westbound near Miller Park when I spotted the same lights. By this time, the object had moved and was presently just south of I-94 by about a quarter to a half mile, hovering about 1000 feet above the ground. As we got closer, we were able to get a better view of it as it hovered above the area just east of Stare Fair Park.

There were no discernible wings and it wasn't a helicopter. There were at least 3 bright white lights and a hale-domed shaped blinking red light which appeared to be in the center. I couldn't determine the shape-it was night and we were on the freeway, driving fast-but my friend and I both did not recognize it as any aircraft we're familiar with. If anyone else happened to see the same thing, please post.

Posted 2013-12-23

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