NUFORC UFO Sighting 105169
Occurred: 2013-12-07 02:45 LocalReported: 2013-12-08 19:50 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 3
Location: Charleston (James Island), SC, USA
Shape: Other
It looks like a beefed (or bulky) up amazon drone, 30-50mph, 4 small roaders surrounding a central body, all black, and deffintly unmaned
Looks to be possible government drone of sorts. Middle of the day, decent skies, up about 6 stories. It was all black, we thought it was the new amazon drone, but realized they weren't doing that currently. It had the same build, but different style. It was bulkier with thicker arms going into the propellers and had a smaller central body then the amazon drone. Although I suppose its possible, I doubt its a toy. We were going 25-30mph through the back of a subdivision along the marsh and it passed us with no trouble and we eventually lost sight of it. I'd say it was going between 35-50 mph. I just cant think of a kids toy that could do this.
Posted 2013-12-12
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