NUFORC UFO Sighting 10510

Occurred: 1999-07-04 21:30 Local
Reported: 1999-11-10 00:00 Pacific
Duration: less than a second
No of observers: 3

Location: Dillard, GA, USA

Shape: Flash

An extremely fast flash of light moving from southwest to northeast. Than approximately 20 minutes later the flash reoccured moving northeast to southwest.

This event occured before the start of a fire works show. We were sitting outside looking at the sky and stars waiting on the show to begin when there was a flash of light from the southwest that moved to the northeast, from horizon to horizon. It was much too fast to be any airplane. The light appeared a little larger than the size of a star. At first I thought it could've been my imagination, but 2 other people with me saw it also. About 20 minutes later, the event occured again, only this time, the flash moved in the opposite direction of the previous event (from northeast to southwest). Again it was so fast that if you had blinked you would've missed it.

Posted 1999-11-17

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