NUFORC UFO Sighting 105076

Occurred: 2013-10-24 21:00 Local
Reported: 2013-12-04 14:45 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Broken Arrow, OK, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Changed Colo

2 Orangish/Red/Yellow Oval Objects hovering over a Broken Arrow, OK, residential district.

I was on my way home from the local Library. I observed 2 orange objects hovering over a residential neighborhood. I thought they were Halloween Kites or remote control toys because it was Halloween and reasonable weather for kids/teens to be outside, although rare to see activity at this time of night in this part of the city. I also thought they could be Street Lights within the neighborhood, but they were too high and orange...wrong color for street lights. I was on the phone with my son and told him I was going to pull into the neighborhood to verify what I was seeing. I was astounded! Absolutely no noise, no movement. The objects change color only slightly from orange to orangish-red, then back to a orange/yellow mix as if to blend in with the street lights. I stopped my car in the middle of the street, looked for my camcorder in the car and trunk. Had kept it in my car for 2 weeks, but remembered I left it at home to charge the battery! As I searche! d for it, I continued to peer up at the objects to insure I wasn't seeing things, all the while, discussing this with my son on the phone. Not 1 car pulled into the neighborhood. I attempted to flag down a few cars on the main road but few were out and none responded. I pointed to the sky and just as I decided to knock on a house door, the objects began moving. There was no sound whatsoever. They were approx. 150-200feet up and approximately 50-100ft.apart from each other. They moved in unison laterally for about 100ft.,very slowly and methodically and then began an upward ascent in the same manner. Crossing over the main road heading south, southwest. I didn't knock on anyone's door because this area is so quiet and didn't think anyone would believe me anyway. Actually, was concerned they'd call the police, which in hindsight would have been appropriate but as I leaned against my car, frustrated no witnesses, no one noticing them, nothing on the radio reporting this sight! , the objects had moved away to a point not real visible from ! my car.

They began to blend in with the night sky and I watched them fade away and blend in as if they were just another star in the sky!! I thought of calling the Airport or local News, but felt it was too late. I listened for the next 2 months to Coast to Coast and now reports are coming in of these same type objects in various states. I also hear that Amazon has been testing Drones, so maybe that's what these were. I took my cousin back to the same area the next night at the same time thinking if it was kids an kites they'd most likely be out again since it was a Friday night, with no school the next day. Nothing, absolutely no sign of any activity, kids, kites, nor Drones. I am a Retired Postal Service Clerk and my son has an MBA in Finance. I told others about this incident and it does not surprise anyone. Seems most have given up caring...just gonna live as well and peaceful and happy as they can while waiting for the End Times to Arrive. Not a bad philosophy, but I intend ! to fight on and for the side of Good, not ready to surrender to Evil just yet. Not that UFO's are necessarily Evil, but possibly those behind these drones and/or technology may very well be operating from a Dark Side. Thank-you for the opportunity to report this!

Posted 2013-12-05

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