NUFORC UFO Sighting 105032
Occurred: 2013-12-01 19:37 LocalReported: 2013-12-03 08:42 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Oklahoma City (near), OK, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams
I was driving on I-35 coming from Ponca City, OK towards Norman/Oklahoma City, OK, around 7:30 pm and it was pitch black outside with a pretty thick fog, so it was nearly impossible to see any signs or landmarks...or even drive. Myself and other cars were going around 45-55 mph due to the fog.
All of a sudden I see a bright orange-ish light, thinking it was the moon.. maybe an eclipse of some kind. As I drove closer to the light I realized it was not the sun/moon and it had a prominent shape to it. It was round and divided up (like a calzone looks).
The sky completely lit up bright orange! It was so bright it looked like it was at the peak of the day. I kept driving and there were more maybe 10 altogether.
These were not moving, just stationary in the sky and I did not hear any sound coming from them. Not blurry, not far away, VERY PROMINENT SHAPES!!!
This was around marker 170-180 (I didn't look because I was so scared at the time but it was in that range)
After driving underneath these object all of the cars proceeded to drive around 95-100+ mph out of that 'area'.
I also called 911 which transferred me to highway patrol and they said they would "send someone out there" but seemed to have no knowledge of any projects with an aircraft like that being out there at that time.

Posted 2013-12-05
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