NUFORC UFO Sighting 10483
Occurred: 1999-11-09 18:35 LocalReported: 1999-11-09 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: The Colony, TX, USA
Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby
I saw a sudden flash on a nearby pond, looked up and saw a white light with a greenish tinge
As I stepped outside (it was getting pretty dark), I saw a sudden flash of light on a nearby pond to the north which was coming from above the area. The flash was diffuse but fairly bright in a cone shape -- lasted about a second or two -- the bottom covering about 50 feet or more. I quickly looked up directly above the flash and spotted a round light floating slowly toward the east at about 100-200 feet. I ran and got my binoculars and watched as it slowly continued moving to the east. This was a single steady white light with a greenish tinge which appeared to be somewhat dimmed by the thin clouds (created by multiple persistent contrails during the day). Within a few seconds it disappeared into heavy cloud bank. I have been watching aircraft in this area for over a year and am as sure as can be this was not an aircraft. On another night, I saw two flashes several seconds apart coming at an angle onto the nearby Lewisville Lake toward a yacht which was flashing its light also -- but did not see a source at that time. Are this surveillance spheres? -- Are these signals (short flashes)? -- Are they taking some kind of photos? What could be the purposes of brief pulses of light? Perhaps there is more than light involved?
Posted 1999-11-17
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