NUFORC UFO Sighting 104704

Occurred: 2011-09-18 18:45 Local
Reported: 2013-11-23 08:41 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: New Berlin, WI, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

4 Red/Orange Triangular shaped lights merge into a single light

My wife was driving home and turned onto our street and noticed a group of red/orange lights ahead of her in the southern sky. She pulls into our driveway and watches these lights for a few minutes, not understanding what they could be.

She then runs into the house telling me to come outside. As soon I get outside, I noticed 5 lights total, 4 red/orange lights forming a triangle, hovering and silent. The 5th light was a separate object and moving just next to the triangular craft.

My wife said 2 other objects flew off in the first few minutes before I got outside. I think there were 4 craft total.

I would guess they were less than a mile away, to the southwest and approximately 500-2000 feet altitude. If you held your hand up to the sky and made a V with your 2 fingers, that's about how big the triangular craft was.

What I noticed about the color of the lights is that technically they were not red/orange. They were orange one second and red the next. It would change between the 2 colors but I can see how people would just say reddish orange.

My wife kept asking me over and over - "Are these UFO's" and after about 5 minutes, the 4 lights making up the triangular craft went into a bit a dance for about 2 seconds and formed into a single red and orange light now.

Now there are 2 craft, 2 lights. Before, it was 5 lights, 2 craft.

Then both lights just started to move again and headed northwest. In just another minute or 2 , they were gone.

Posted 2013-12-02

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