NUFORC UFO Sighting 104702
Occurred: 2013-11-22 16:08 LocalReported: 2013-11-23 09:37 Pacific
Duration: 7 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: San Diego, CA, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby, Electrical or magnetic effects
Three bright lights moving in unison then splitting up dramatically, later regrouping... power outage 4 hours later
I am a researcher at one of San Diego's largest employers and I can say without a doubt that these objects had the ability to move beyond the gravitational forces that a human can experience without dying in a conventional gravitational field.
Three objects moved across the eastern san diego sky right at the cloud line in very mild San Diego thunderstorm conditions.
At first the group of three moved in unison circling around in the clouds almost looking as if it was a very very low flying plane with one white light on the nose, and one on each wing.
I have seen large low flying planes circling exactly in the same manner at the Miramar air show and there is a considerable amount of noise when this happens. These objects made no sound at all and after circling around several times within the clouds came out of the clouds and set still for a moment.
They then dramatically split/jumped into different directions in a manner impossible with airfoil lifted craft. One headed north, the other went to the south.
After 5 minutes they were gone, then we spotted them in unison again 3minutes later, now flying much closer to the horizon at a high rate of speed about the same as a fighter jet with the throttle pumping, along with the very loud noise that a fighter jet makes. These objects again had no sound. After another minute they were gone.
I was trying to catch video of the three together but by accident only took a still shot and two of them are very clear in the picture. It seemed that they were responsive to my actions because everytime I tried to get video they split up into singles or were out view which doesn't look nearly as compelling.
4 hours our area experienced a power outage affecting over 1200 homes in my area. Power was restored the following morning.
Posted 2013-12-02
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