NUFORC UFO Sighting 104667

Occurred: 2013-11-21 06:25 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2013-11-21 19:16 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Lockport, NY, USA

Shape: Fireball

Single fireball hovering in Lockport at the Niagara County/Erie County border.

First noticed the fireball while traveling south at Ohio St and the Lockport Bypass. It was hovering in the south west sky around the Niagara County and Erie County border in Lockport.

I traveled south onto Bear Ridge Rd and turned off at Fisk Rd, once I got to Transit Rd and headed south it was gone.

I know it wasn't a plane because soon after it disappeared a plane was making its rounds towards the Buffalo airport, which is a sight I am familiar with every morning.

Posted 2013-12-02

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