NUFORC UFO Sighting 104644

Occurred: 2013-11-20 08:00 Local
Reported: 2013-11-21 05:32 Pacific
Duration: all day
No of observers: 50

Location: New Bedford, MA, USA

Shape: Light

Bright light seen all day into the night. Solid light and flashing it would would/is moving around the sky. It is visible all across MA

The light has been here for quite some time. It would normally be visible every other week and be intermittently in the sky until it disappeared. Not moved away but the light would eventually dim out and disappear.

As of this week, it has been visible every single day and night.

My first sight of it yesterday would have to I guess be around 01:00 am. I went to sleep and woke up the next day only to see it has I was picking my son up from the bus as he got home. I was taking pictures of chemtrails and when I went inside to look at the pics I could see the "Orb" or "light source." It stayed visible for the rest of the night. It was visible from here all the way to Hyannis, Ma.

It was not stationary. It would move across the sky to the east then back west. It would move lower and then higher as well. There was WAY too much movement for it to be anything that was part of our Solar System. Around 7:00 pm it began to flash & move. Intermittent flashes as it would dim out and then get brighter while it was doing so.

Over the past Month I have been cross referencing its location with star maps and every app I could download with augmented reality. Nothing is there. NOTHING. Nothing to help me brush it off and say, "Oh, it's just that there, nothing to worry about," but there is nothing there on the maps. There are satellites in the vicinity at times but never in the exact location of the light source and they move on while the light source remains.

I am an avid sky watcher. I have never seen something be so prevalent and consistent while garnering Zero attention. It does not stay in one place nor move like anything man made like a satellite or plane. It flashes very bright and then dims very low, all the while moving around the sky disappearing and reappearing.

I had never seen it during the day before though so whatever this is seems to be intensifying. It is not Venus. It is not ISON. It is not ISS....

There were well over 100 people on Facebook talking about it. It was out the other night and many people became scared during a downtown event in the city. This is not normal.

Posted 2013-12-02

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