NUFORC UFO Sighting 104638
Occurred: 2013-09-07 14:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2013-11-21 10:29 Pacific
Duration: 45 seconds
Location: Dearborn Heights, MI, USA
Shape: Cigar
U.F.O Witness who sees strange craft willing to take polygraph on National T.V.
I am hesitant to report this but on or around Sept. 7th, 2013, approximately between 1-3 pm, I was looking up in the sky because it was a beautiful day with bright blue skies and I spot this little passenger plane and I am watching it and from out of nowhere directly under the plane no more than 100 ft. below the little red and gray plane was a cigar shaped object keeping pace with the aircraft above it.
It had no propulsion system that I could see, no wings, no windows. However, the object was omitting a vapor all the way around it sort of like the vapor that you see coming off an asphalt road when it's 110 degrees out.
So I am watching this in disbelief shaking my head wiping my eyes with my shirt and I swear, as God is my witness, this "thing" disappears in front of my eyes one section at a time.... front, then the middle, then the rear of the object..... GONE....VANISHED…
I know what I saw and I will be willing to take a lie detector test givin! by any sanctioned agency dealing with U.F.O's... The craziest thing off all of this is that it looked like the cigar shaped object seemed to be trying to mimmick the color of the plane. It's hard to explain, almost like it changed colors "slightly" every few seconds to eventually match the exact color of the plane above...
So now I am sayin " tell this to anyone and you will be locked up in the looney bin". Since... I have awoken on a few nights with insane "humming" in my ears like those high electrical towers that humm real loud, and when this happrns I try to concentrate and focus to see if there is really someone or something trying to communicate with me.
It's flippin weird, it's really really freakin weird.
Again... I will submitt to a lie detector test on National T.V. in front of the world...
Something very eerie happened that day and I hope submitting this doesn't get me killed.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides little contact information. PD
Posted 2013-12-02
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