NUFORC UFO Sighting 10456

Occurred: 1999-11-07 21:40 Local
Reported: 1999-11-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4-5 min.
No of observers: 1

Location: Princeton, NJ, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

On the night in question I observed 5 objects flying to the north. Their flight pattern was different than a normal flying object (plane,helicopter) which was what raised a flag in my mind.

What made me look closer at these objects originally was that I first saw two objects that seemed to be "too close" to each other flying at roughly the same altitude.I continued to watch and the object on my right seemed to "catch up" to the one on the left. At this time I noticed two more sets of lights that looked just like the first two sets I witnessed. The second set seemed to follow the first set off to the North past my house. Lastly, after I saw the second set one last set of lights similar to the first two sets appeared and moved to the north. I remember thinking how many of these things were there? And why don't I hear anything? Surely if they were helicopters, and five of them at that, it would stand to reason that I would hear something no matter how far away. I say helicopters only because the way the objects were moving, planes could'nt. Nothing super speed or anything like that, but erratic enough to know that it was'nt a plane. When I say erratic I don't mean to imply that they were flying in any aggresive or dangerous way, just simply not something you are used to seeing in the sky. They all appeared to know were the others were. As far as what they looked like I do not know. All that I saw were white lights, one on top and two on either side slightly lower like a little pyramid. They seemed to blink but not on purpose. It looked more like just that they were in motion that was causing the lights to fluctuate. Thats it.

Posted 1999-11-09

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