NUFORC UFO Sighting 104413

Occurred: 2013-11-13 16:15 Local
Reported: 2013-11-13 18:10 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Milwaukee, WI, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Two pitch white cylinders flying close to the moon in daylight.

The date was the same as I write this. November 13th, 2013. It was approximately 4:15 PM and the sun was setting. It was still very light outside even though the sun just started to set. I was on my way to my grandmothers apartment same as I do almost every week to help her out with sme household stuff and just to talk and visit. Normally I would have used public transportation to get there completely however due to construction I had to walk the last had mile there.

Her apartment building is right across from Lake Michigan, I don't feel comfortable being anymore specific. As I was walking down the street I looked out over the lake like usual to enjoy the view. As I was looking I noticed as usual some planes going over. Then, I saw this white object very close to the moon. It drew my attention because it made no sound and had no exhaust trail behind it. As I began to look closer I noticed it had no wings, or appeared not too. This made me think it was one of those new "drones" police departments are using to monitor their districts. So, I wanted to get a better look.

I hurried across the street to get a better view. When I did I saw another pitch white cylinder shaped object also close to the moon moving in the sky. I felt mesmerized. I couldn't stop staring. Once I saw th both I knew they were drones or planes or anything I've ever seen. I couldn't look away. I heard cars driving by past me but everything felt like it slowed down. I experience a surge of fear and adrenaline. I stared at them moving slowly towards each other. The moon seemed to be in the middle point between them. When they got close to the moon they just disappeared. I was staring right at them and instantly, they were just gone.

I was in disbelief. I ran back and forth, looking all around trying to see where they could have gone. I couldn't see them anywhere. I felt, strange. I have no idea how to describe it. After that I just sat on a bench and stared out onto the lake and the sky hoping they'd come back for about 20 minutes but they never did. I know that what I saw had to be a UFO.

Posted 2013-11-20

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