NUFORC UFO Sighting 10441
Occurred: 1999-11-05 22:34 LocalReported: 1999-11-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 26 min.
No of observers: 2
Location: Fair Oaks (facing east look straight up), CA, USA
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
I was out on the patio looking east admiring the stars, my gaze gradually shifted striaght up and I noticed a faint shimmer and a form. As I watched it longer it began to look like the little dipper,BUT the figugures are to high and to faint and the pattern changed. I went in and called your hot line and after I talked to PETER I went back outside and looked for them agian. They are still there! Ther pattern has changed to more of a arrow with fainter "stars" Twinkling next to the point of the arrow. And the whole configuration has drifted further west. I went and got my sister and she saw them to. It is 2323hrs now and I went outside and look for them with binoculars ,8 by21,and THEY ARE STILL THERE! and have changed their pattern yet AGIAN.
When I first saw them it was 10:30pm and they were in a "little dipper shape. I thought they were stars but when I compared the other stars to them I relized it wasn't the little dipper becuase they are ALOT HIGHER THEN THE OTHER STARS and they are closer togather and as I kept watching them their we're other fainter,smaller lights around the "dipper" part. After I got off the Phone with Peter I went back outside and looked for them agian and they were still thier but further west in the sky and had changed their pattern agian! This time the pattern was more of an arrow shape and around the "tip" Or "point" of the shape the faint smaller lights were still there too. I remembered I had some binoculars and I got them and went back and looked at them agian! They are still there and in a different pattern. With the binoculars I could see the shapes better but not well enough to describe in detail. But, They are white lights, round white lights. And the fainter lights stay next to the tip of the shape ( which is toward the west). That all I can take for this experience!
Posted 2002-11-20
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