NUFORC UFO Sighting 10428

Occurred: 1999-10-29 17:45 Local
Reported: 1999-11-04 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Tuscaloosa, AL, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

We saw a strange contrail and craft.

I was on my way to drop the kids of at Church when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like something falling out of the sky smoking. Nothing was visible.We never saw anything come out. It looked like a contrail after it fully appeared. I dropped them of and went back home I immediately told my husband to come out on the back porch to see if he could tell me what it was that I saw. He looked and he said it is a cloud , but it was not moving like the oter clouds. I told him that at first I thought it was a meteorite. We then decided it was some sort of contrail but there was no aircraft in sight. We continued to watch and he saw a nikel colored object fly out of it. I did'nt see it at first then I kept watching and I saw it fly back into it , then a few seconds later it shot back out and flew all around this contrail or what ever it was. Then it disappeared for a few minutes. We kept watching and it flew back out and disappeared . We never saw it again. I was scared by this . I don't know what it was, neither did my husband . It started out as some sort of weird contrail and then it became stationary, then this nikel colored object flew all around and in and out of it for about 15 minutes. Very weird. When this object was flying you could hear no sound or see any contrail coming out of it. I don't know what it was I have never seen anything like it. My husband is a floor covering installer and I own my own cleaning service. I can assure you we are not a couple of ufo nuts . Until now my husband has been a skeptic. I believe there is something going on with all these sightings, but I am not so sure it is from somewhere else, but what-ever it is I would feel safer knowing that our Government knew about it. But I also feel that as a tax paying citizen that I have a right to know what it is. Also about an hour after we saw this we heard jets flying, we looked out and they were headed in the same direction as to where we saw the "thing" for lack of a better word. I would not have thought that strange until they turned around and went back several times , like they were doing a grid search . Thats about it I hope you can explain what this was to me I am really worried about it. Thank you.

Posted 1999-11-09

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