NUFORC UFO Sighting 10324

Occurred: 1999-10-25 19:30 Local
Reported: 1999-10-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Huntington Beach, CA, USA

Shape: Egg
Characteristics: Lights on object

The sky was clear. I was on my porch smoking and I noticed three egg shaped lights in the formation of a triangle flying very fast...

My boyfriend and I were on the patio smoking. he is the one that said " hey honey, look at that!". I looked at it just as it was flying directly above my head. As I stared at it, I tried to analys what it was. It all happened quickly but my first view was three egg shaped lights moving together in the shape of a triangle. I thought well It must be military jets in formation or somthing. i thought that because they were at a very fast speed. I didnt realize they were seperate until the two back end lights of the triangle seperated for about 2 seconds. then I was tripping out. Then it seemed to go up higher into the sky until it became small and we could not see it anymore. My boyfriend and I looked at eachother and he pointed out two regular airplanes flying above us. " see, those are planes, those are flying much slower. What the hell was that?" We then realized we can hear those planes flying. we did not hear a sound when we saw that thing. I dont believe in aliens but I can definately say it was some sort of ufo. That's for sure.

Posted 1999-11-02

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