NUFORC UFO Sighting 10312
Occurred: 1999-10-22 12:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 1999-10-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 min.
No of observers: 4
Location: Kansas City/Excelsior Springs,, MO, USA
Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
A large white object moving slowly at cloud level that was over an aproach corridor to KCI airport. It slowly entered a large cloud and disapeared. It seemed to be two to three times the size of a jet liner. Two jets did fly over and under it, but evidently didn't see it.
Its white color probably blended with any clouds that were near. The cloud that it entered was huge, but was only 1/4 as wide as the craft which seemed maybe 1,000 ft. X 300 ft.if it was a disc, it would have to have been tilted quite a bit to have shown such an exposed face which had no shadow to speak of. Bright white and possitively Not a baloon or derigible!
I was driving to eat lunch when I noticed the thing in the sky. When I saw that it was virtually standing still or was moving very slowly, I raced to the middle school and ran inside to get some other witnesses.
Three people came out and I said "now somebody tell me what that is!" Nobody could identify it, but we all agreed that it was not a conventional aircraft. Upon entering the cloud, the others went inside the school to go back to work. I of course had to stay, never taking my eyes off of the cloud. In four minutes, I noticed that the cloud had moved to the right with the wind ( the object had gone from right to left) and something very bright was now moving away into the distance very fast! It soon disapeared at a slight angle upward.
Art bell was correct in stating that people only see these things when they bother looking up! I wonder what else I've been missing all these years...oh yes, as the object slid into the cloud, and the haze slid around it, It took on a grey or metalic color. the shape was oval or cylinder.
((name deleted)) III, Archaeologist for ((company name deleted)) Research.
Date not indicated. NUFORC has assigned an arbitrary date above. PD
Posted 2011-06-12
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