NUFORC UFO Sighting 103017
Occurred: 2013-10-04 23:15 LocalReported: 2013-10-06 23:26 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Gresham, OR, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
My wife and I witnessed 16 - 20 orange orb-shaped objects that passed over us either solo or sets of two!
The following is a TRUE account based on an unusual phenomenon that was seen by myself and my wife!
On October 4th 2013 at 11:15PM in Gresham, Oregon, my wife and I witnessed something that we have never seen before… something that is not of this world as we know it!
After seeing a movie at our local theater, we headed back toward home on 242nd Avenue in Gresham, Oregon. As we slowed down to stop at an intersection by Grace Community Church, my wife saw something frightening in the night sky.
The following is our personal account: K - “I looked up as we approached the stop sign to see an orange object in the sky that appeared to have a flame or light flickering underneath it. My mind tried to make it a plane…but I couldn’t. I said to my husband ‘What is that!’ And again, I repeated louder, ‘What is that that I’m looking at?’ I kept repeating it over and over until my husband pulled over to take a look. I said to my husband, ‘shouldn’t we be calling somebody? This is scary!’ I thought, ‘I‘II call my Mom and Dad because it was about 11:15PM and I knew they would be watching the news. Surely there would be something about this! But, No… they knew nothing about it and nothing was said about it on the news.
Immediately after I talked to my mother, I looked over through the passenger window and noticed an airplane descending toward the airport in the distance. These orbs were higher and yet not much smaller than the plane. I was scared and knew that this wasn’t good…MORE were coming!” “The first sighting was just (1)…then two more came and they continued to come in either sets of two or one…completely silent, no wind, hovering above us and then they suddenly would vanish, one by one right before our eyes, as though they were never there!” M – “When my wife began to frantically ask me “What is that? I looked up only to see (3) orange objects in the sky. They were flying southbound and so we began to follow them until I could pull over and get out of the car to view them. When I got out of the car I thought that maybe they were Chinese Lanterns but then quickly realized that they were much larger and they seemed to be moving in a very definite and defined manner. I asked my wife if we had our good phone in order to take a picture but she told me we only had our old phone. So, I was not able to document this event.
Although these objects appeared to be “aflame” they had a defined orb-like shape and they didn’t make a sound. It was hard to gain perspective of exactly how big and how high they were but it appeared that they were going about 30 miles an hour as they were hovering above us… and what’s more, they kept coming! It didn’t stop at three! By the time the last one passed above us we estimate that we witnessed 16 to 20 of these unidentified flying objects. And then, one by one, they disappeared as if the lights went out on these objects and then the night sky went back to its normal celestial condition…Moon, Stars and the glow of city lights!” This experience left my wife frightened and me (the skeptic) wondering what this could have been? We spent the following two days trying to come to grips with what we witnessed. Something that we’ve only seen in Sci-Fi movies was now a reality…a reality we will live with the rest of our lives! With that said, my wife and I are intelligent and respected people who wonder why we were there to witness this phenomenon? But as we have learned to trust God in ALL things, we know that He will show us the truth of what we experienced!
Posted 2013-10-14
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