NUFORC UFO Sighting 10301

Occurred: 1999-10-23 18:00 Local
Reported: 1999-10-24 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 min
No of observers: 6

Location: Erie, CO, USA

Shape: Cylinder

Someone pointed out an object in the western sky facing the Rocky mtns that appeared to be not moving. Couldn't tell what it was.

While at a housewarming party a group of us were standing out in the driveway at approx 17:30 - 18:00. Someone pointed up and asked what this object was. It looked like a jet and it's contrails...but the contrails were not growing and it seemed like the object was not moving. It looked a bit like a pair of flourescent tubes just sitting idle in the sky. I did notice during the day that there was a good amount of contrail activity that day, but this looked much brighter than contrails. Like I mentioned earlier there seemed to be no evidence of any movement/growth or any trace of fading contrails. Then everyone just went back to conversation. I looked back up a few minutes later and the object was completely gone. There was absolutely no trace of anything have been there. Normally you would see some faded contrails or something to show that something was there. The object appeared to be quite a distance away, so it may very well have been a jet and contrails. I just thought it looked a little odd, because there was no evidence of movement, and it just seemed brighter than contrails. Then upon looking again, it was just gone. This may not be anything, but I thought I'd report it to see if this may add to someone else's report. I do NOT have any further information, since I didn't really watch it for any extended period of time. I just looked as someone pointed it out for a couple of minutes, then looked up a couple of minutes later to see nothing was there. I will leave an e-mail address, but feel I will not be able to supply too much more please do NOT release the e-mail information. THANKS!

Posted 1999-11-02

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