NUFORC UFO Sighting 102936

Occurred: 2013-10-04 21:50 Local
Reported: 2013-10-04 19:07 Pacific
Duration: 25 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Maumee/Toledo, OH, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

9 plus orange brown lights, 3 were in a triangle and the rest followed seemed to just disappear

I was watching the sky as my girlfriend and i were coming back home after dinner and i noticed a weird triangle shape to my right in the sky. The three lights quickly and seamlessly made a straight line. I estimated these lights were roughly a mile to a mile and a half away.

We quickly followed these lights as best we could. it seemed they were sped up and slowed down at random. While stopped watching we heard and saw a helicopter behind us going in towards them. But the lights were different colored and being military i know the shape and out line of helicopters.

as we followed one of these lights we managed to get under one. I would say it was maybe 600 feet overheard with absolutely no noise except other cars moving.

I managed to get a solid look under neath the craft. it was all light. and there was not shadowed body. its body was the light. i squinted, and also used my hands to block the light but the light was the object.

we parked about 2 miles down the road after losing nine objects (that were a dark orange almost brownish color) in the middle of the dark sky. Watched them change direction literately out of no where after about one min of searching because all of them disappeared. I managed to only see 3 more. They seemed to be at the same height, but seemed to kind of fade out behind some clouds. We waited another 5 mins and everyone that faded out behind what looked like clouds.. And nothing appeared.

Posted 2013-10-14

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