NUFORC UFO Sighting 102862
Occurred: 2013-09-30 19:00 LocalReported: 2013-10-01 07:04 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 10
Location: Stow, MA, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object
Big cluster of bright lights stationary way above tree line in Stow MA.
I was in the parking lot of a large supermarket. I looked up and west. I was a large clustered group of at least 10-20 bright lights. They were high in the sky, higher than any tower or antennae could be.
They formed a disk or oval shape of sorts. They appeared to be about 1/2 mile or a mile away. They were stationary, hovering, in the same location. I found it odd and pointed it out to at least 10 other random people in the area. They all looked at it and reported seeing the same thing that I saw.
It did not change direction or shape or size. I viewed all this with my naked eye, and so did all the other people who saw it. My phone camera and very low resolution and when I use it at night it takes all-black photos so I did not bother trying to get a photo. I could only stay for about 20 minutes because I had to go somewhere. I cannot explain it other than saying-- it seems to me that it was was an object that was flying and I, to me, it is unidentified.
Posted 2013-10-03
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