NUFORC UFO Sighting 10273

Occurred: 1999-10-20 08:15 Local
Reported: 1999-10-20 00:00 Pacific
Duration: one minute
No of observers: 0

Location: Stevensville, MT, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

looked to east saw sparkling dot with white plume coming out of left of object saw fast moving aircraft leaving vapor trails. As aircraft approched object it either shot up into sky or disappered. saw in eastern sky what looked like a sparkler with plume out of the top.

Getting out of my car this a.m. noticed to the east a brilliant light that was sparkling with white plumb out of the top. It was stationary in the sky. To the left(north) noticed two aircraft followed by vapor trails. These appeared to be approching the object at a fast rate of speed when object either shot up in air or "winked out" aircraft then turned to east and continued in that direction. Whole incident took about 1 and a half minutes. Distance was out to horizen. Weather:Typical clear big sky morning no clouds.Visabilty unlimited.

Posted 1999-11-02

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