NUFORC UFO Sighting 100789

Occurred: 2013-08-03 00:10 Local
Reported: 2013-08-03 09:20 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds.
No of observers: 2

Location: The Pas (Canada), MB, Canada

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Very bright huge circular form of light shooting upwards in the atmosphere in Manitoba, Canada.

Last night at approximately 12:15 a.m (0:15), me and my friend were sitting outside gazing the stars and talking. We seen a couple of those objects that are told to be satellites going by (appears as a star moving through the sky). They then dimmed out and we continued to watch. Right before our eyes, it appeared to be very close, definitely in our atmosphere a huge very bright object appeared and shot upwards very fast and then completely dimmed out. This object appeared so close maybe a couple kilometres away and it was very low and shot very fast upwards and immediately dimmed out. It was huge and very bright a kind of circular form. There was light radiating from it and it shot upwards so fast that it only lasted approximately 2-3 seconds and then immediately dimmed out. After that we continued to watch and only seen a couple of shooting stars. Me and my friend are completely unaware of what it is we need to do now, we want to contact someone to inform ! them of this.

Posted 2013-08-30

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