NUFORC UFO Sighting 100735

Occurred: 2013-08-04 00:30 Local
Reported: 2013-08-04 22:43 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Baytown, TX, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Missing Time

Strange sparkling somewhere near Baytown, Texas

The wife and I were heading home from Delta Downs Casino...we decided to get on Toll Road 99 Grand Parkway...this road is very lonely...our home is located at Seabrook, Texas...

As we were somewhere I the middle of this Toll Road...I turned to tell the wife that there may be a good chance of having a UFO encounter...

No sooner had I said this to her I turned back toward the ahead of me...when suddenly the wife and I saw sparkling first I thought them to be flashing...the colors were Red, White, and Blue...

The distance from my car, about a half a mile...the toll was straight from where the and my car...

Within a seconds of seeing this I was impressed to slow down and before long I came to a complete I was slowing down, I turned to ask my wife if she was scared...

She didn't have to say anything, she was terrified and I again turned to see the road ahead of me I was impress to I started to gain speed, I again focus as to the last time I saw these lights...and to our disappointment, they were not there anymore...

Well, get this...about two weeks before this...the wife and I were on Hwy 146...about two miles from the Toll Bridge...we were talking about things in general when suddenly we notice a flashing sign on the side of this said road close ahead...seconds later, I saw what I thought to be sparling lights...thinking they were squad cars re-directing traffic...these lights appeared to be too high about a squad car, but nevertheless that what I was thinking...though I did not see any squad cars...we were about a half a mile from these lights...

As I was driving along, I noticed something...I was now going on a very different direction...I was on 330 off-ramp...I did not make this maneuver...I even question my wife as to where am I...

To make this story short...I arrived home about 30 plus minutes later...

Thanks for reading this...Sincerely...

Posted 2013-08-30

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