NUFORC UFO Sighting 100423
Occurred: 2013-07-23 21:40 LocalReported: 2013-07-23 19:09 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 5
Location: Peru, VT, USA
Shape: Orb
Orang Orb in sky over Bromley Ski Resort, Peru VT. July 23rd - 9:40 pm.
I glanced out window at about 21:40 and noticed an orange orb in the sky above Bromley Ski Resort in Peru, VT.
At first I thought it was an airplane but when I looked again a few min. later it was still there.
My wife and I called our 3 boys and we went out on the porch to watch it. While my wife recorded it on our camera, we took turns looking at it thru binoculars until it dropped down over the mountain.
My wife saw this object in the same spot about a week ago.
Several weeks ago on our way home from Cape Cod we saw this same object in Bondville, VT. It was much closer, perhaps 50 feet or so in the air.
We stopped our car and rolled down the window but there was no sound and it seemed to come closer.
We pulled into a storage unit complex and I got out of the car to get a closer look.
After a moment or two, it suddenly flew away from us at a high speed and disappeared.
There was no sound.
Posted 2013-08-30
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