NUFORC Sighting 180958

Occurred: 2024-03-27 18:43 Local
Reported: 2024-03-28 05:19 Pacific
Duration: About 2 to 3 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Stamford, CT, USA
Location details: seen while standing on our balcony, which faces west

Shape: Other
Color: Black and metallic
Estimated Size: Unclear
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: West/northwest
Angle of Elevation: 70
Closest Distance: Unclear, still very far even as it got closer
Estimated Speed: Relatively slow, not fast
Explanation: Balloon - Probable
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Orbiting UFO spotted near rainbow

Shortly before 7 pm on 3/27, my boyfriend and I went onto our balcony to take video and photos of a massive double rainbow that appears almost exactly in the same spot each time we have significant rainfall. While standing on our balcony, almost at the exact same time, we both recognize an airplane, seemingly flying through or next to the rainbow on the left-hand side. And then, above that, also to the left of the rainbow, we noticed something in the sky that we could not identify. I immediately began trying to capture the image on video, but because of how far away it was and how old my phone is (iPhone XR), anytime I got close enough to the unidentified object the video would become unfocused, and I would have to zoom back out and try to find the object again. What we noticed was that it appeared two round or possibly square pieces were connected and seemed to be orbiting each other. I was able to catch some of that on video and I will attach that here. We considered the possibility that it was two balloons stuck together, rotating around each other across the sky, but we couldn’t say for sure, and couldn’t shake the feeling of not being able to identify what we had just seen. In just a couple of minutes, the object shifted across the sky from incredibly far away on the horizon, to much closer until it moved behind our building, and we were unable to see the object anymore. We stayed outside for some time, trying to understand what we captured or see it again, but all we saw after that were easily identifiable as planes.

Posted 2024-04-27

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