NUFORC Sighting 180747

Occurred: 2024-02-28 18:35 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-03-07 11:44 Pacific
Duration: It lasted approx 1-2 mins
No of observers: 2

Location: Holiday, FL, USA
Location details: This is a typical suburban area but slightly more impoverished. For exampled there is no HOA.

Shape: Orb
Color: bright white light
Estimated Size: Had to be larger than a plane to be seen clearly
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: I was standing in front of the house and the thing must've come from the east, stopped, then west
Angle of Elevation: 90
Closest Distance: Right below the height of the clouds
Estimated Speed: About 10-20x faster than a jet yet no sound

Me and my family were out on a walk. At the end of the meaningful walk me and my dad looked up and it zoomed, stopped, waved and left.

That day we decided to go out a little earlier for our walk and a whole synchronistic situation occurred that seemed "set-up" mainly to give my sister closure about something that's been tormenting her in our temporary stay at this place (it had to do with outside domestic cats being neglected). After all of that was resolved I felt it was best to comfort my mom and sister for the hard decisions they had to make. During that my dad who never entertains spiritual or paranormal phenomena started repeatedly saying something along the lines of "Man, that must've been the universe handing us a cat on a platter. That's crazy.". I entertained that idea because I am well aware of synchronicity and how that stuff is on purpose, but not in the same way that say you deciding to prepare a meal is on purpose. A higher purpose if you will.

When we arrived back at our house I was just looking at the cloudy yet bright sky at about 6:30 PM and something came from the clouds over head all the way over to the right of the sky and I quickly got my dad's attention. He first wrote it off as a plane but then it started to move across the entire right side of the cloud cieling in a second or two, entirely silently. The orb then stopped in the middle right on top of us and then he said "OK that can't be a plane. That's so weird.". I then decided to wave at it and said "Hi." and it then started bobbing up and down (along the north and south respectively, not up and down altitude wise). Keep in mind this was entirely silent. It then stopped and we're both going "wow", I tried to send as close I can get to a feeling of love back to it and after a good 20 seconds after that 40 seconds of staying there before I sent the love it zipped off to the left.

At this point my dad lost interest and started walking to the house while saying "That is weird, it doesn't look like a drone either.". I on the other hand kept looking so I see this thing just silently zip to the west side of the sky and for a second or so it blinked out of existence with nothing left behind it. At least nothing was visible, it was either a frequency shift into another EM layer, a frequency shift into another reality layer or the boring old nuts and bolts "cloaking" description but when it popped back in it resumed it's route right where it left off as it if it were maintaining it's velocity (which would not make sense if it were a physical/material object). It then rose through the clouds never to be seen for the rest of the time me and my familty were staying there.

Posted 2024-03-13

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