NUFORC Sighting 180119

Occurred: 2024-01-17 20:18 Local
Reported: 2024-01-18 05:21 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Monticello, IN, USA
Location details: From my bedroom window from second story apartment a craft flew right over building very low

Shape: Rectangle
Estimated Size: 30 to 60 feet wide
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: Within 200 to 500 feet very low
Estimated Speed: 50 to 100 mph
Characteristics: Lights on object, Made a sound

Craft flew over apartment at very low altitude and I took a photograph using my cell phone within 30 seconds of sighting

I was laying in bed and noticed bright lights in my window coming right towards me as if something was going to crash into my building or go right over these apartments so I grabbed my cell phone and ran to window and took a picture as it flew right over the neighbors building and at first I thought it was a plane until I looked at the photograph which didn't look like any plane I have ever seen and it had lots of lights all over it and it looked triangular or rectangle shaped but this incident lasted maybe 30 seconds and I called 911 and reported it to police and had two officers come over to look at the photograph and they could not identify this object either and then they left after they verified that I had seen something and showed them photograph!

Posted 2024-02-15

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