NUFORC Sighting 133145

Occurred: 2015-10-17 13:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2017-03-16 11:32 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Washington, D.C., DC, USA

Shape: Unknown

'Unidentified Ground Object' Spotted in Northwest, Washington, DC

I was walking in my backyard towards my driveway when my cat, who was also in the backyard, suddenly froze staring at the base of a tree. It then took a few steps backwards, turned around, and ran full speed to the door on the other side of the house (to be let back inside). I looked around the tree to see what had frightened the cat, but there was nothing there, so I turned and took a few steps away, but decided to quickly look back one last time. That's when I saw this object running from the tree to behind the trash barrels located near the end of the driveway. It was about 12-15 ft. from me and in my direct line of sight on a bright, sunny day. I was very startled, and decided to first let the cat back into the house. A few minutes later I walked over to the trash barrels, but there was nothing there.

The object appeared to 2 dimensional (like a geometrically shaped cardboard cutout), and it seemed able to camouflage itself (like a cuttlefish, or something I'd expect to be created in a DARPA lab). The object’s legs appeared to be moving rapidly, but it’s movement was comparatively slow as if it wasn’t getting good traction. The object was approximately 18 inches tall. It was shaped like a small black sphere with a pie shaped cutout (similar to the outline of an astronaut’s helmet) over a black triangular shaped mid section, and a barely visible pair of legs below the mid section.

I don't expect others to believe me, as I wouldn't believe such a story if it was told to me. Never-the-less, I’ve reported what I had seen, because I couldn't attribute it to being a shadow, glare, or another rational explanation, and perhaps others also spotted it.


We spoke via telephone with the witness, and he sounded to us to be sincere. However, he provides only a first name, and a minimum of contact information. We are uncertain as to the authenticity of the report. PD

Posted 2017-03-17

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