NUFORC Sighting 100995

Occurred: 2013-08-01 22:00 Local
Reported: 2013-08-10 00:03 Pacific
Duration: 7 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Hesperia, CA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

3 red/orangy dot craft spotted over the city of Hesperia california

It was a late night on August 1, 2013, around 22:00. I was with a friend, my and my cousin accompanying my brother to take his girlfriend home walking. We were closing in, into her house and in the distance about 4.5 miles away in the sky I see 3 orangy red dots in a triangular shape. The dots were barely visible because it was far away.

It was going at about 45 miles an hour, then it made a “U” turn and went the other way. i wanted to continue looking at it, but unfortunately there was a tree nearby so it prevented us from seeing where it went. After i passed the tree, it was gone. I’m pretty sure it was not a star, nor a helicopter, nor a a plane. I’m 100% sure of it. Even my brother agrees. Only him and I were the witnesses.

Nobody else saw anything. I asked him, ”Did you see that!?” Him: “YES!” (Then he ran passed the tree and left us behind to see if he could still see it). As for myself, I stood there in shock. My first UFO. I hope it isn’t my last either.

Posted 2013-08-30

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