NUFORC Sighting 94575

Occurred: 2012-11-17 18:30 Local
Reported: 2012-11-17 17:24 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Stafford, VA, USA

Shape: Circle

circular glowing objects flying in the sky

While dri1vng with my boyfriend on Saturday 17 November at approximately 6:30 we saw about 10 bright orange lights in the sky. They started out just above the tree line continuing up directly above. They seemed to be square and in a geometric pattern. After pulling over in a parking lot we noticed that they seemed to be moving slowly moving all at the same speed, they were not blinking and remained the entire duration (about 3-5min) of the citing and they made no sound. Some clumped together and they one by one disappeared. There were no clouds in the sky and after contacting the federal aviation agency there was clarity of 10 miles. They were moving from north west to south west and the wind was moving in the opposite direction.

Posted 2012-11-19

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