NUFORC Sighting 84294

Occurred: 2005-11-01 00:30 Local
Reported: 2011-10-03 00:12 Pacific
Duration: 3.5 hrs.
No of observers: 2

Location: Glennallen, AK, USA

Shape: Unknown

Aliens and UFOs on Halloween night near HAARP!!!

After seeing what looked like a meteor falling out of the sky, on a trip to Valdez, we were followed by black suvs, a helicopter, firetrucks, and Alyeska pipeline response vehicles. It was a clear night, but we soon were driving through what was to be guessed as a fog bank.

After rolling down the windows we soon discovered the fog was actually wood smoke. After exitting the smoke later down the road a small glowing cone shaped object was seen innthe rearview mirror following us down the road. It soon disappeared my view, as it was to close to the rear of the vehicle. When it was out of my view the car backfired, and I saw sparks in the rearview passenger mirror, as if the object had hit the ground and rolled on the asphault.

Later down the road coming to a bridge, four figures were crossing the road towards the west. Unbelievable, but I swear as we passed they were greys, in the middle of the winter and naked. Ten minutes later, about one hundred feet out from the vehicle a red ball was following us. Staying the same rate as us, and the same altitude as us, as we were heading up Thompson pass. Nothing out of the ordinary until we got to the top of the pass.

Then I saw what looked what to be a giant pyramid hovering over Valdez. It had three lights, one on each corner. After we got through the pass and into the canyon before Valdez, I lost sight of the triangular shape in the sky. Once we got through the canyon and close to Valdez, I noticed the object was gone. Before getting onto the ferry we noticed Alyeska pipeline response vehicles driving all over the city of Valdez.

Posted 2011-10-10

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