NUFORC Sighting 70274

Occurred: 2009-05-30 18:25 Local
Reported: 2009-05-30 16:45 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Yardley, PA, USA

Shape: Oval

shiny silvery fast moving silent object seen in daylight

I live in Yardley, PA. My daughter (15 years old) and I were sitting on the deck of my condo when I noticed a very shiny silver object traveling across the sky at a fairly fast speed. We ran to the front of the house to continue to watch it. It was moving so fast I did not have time to grab a camera.

The object seemed to be traveling around 20,000 feet in the air. It made no sound whatsoever. It had no noticeable wings. It seemed more roundish than disk shaped. There was no exhaust, but there seemed to be a very strange long object hanging straight down from it. Almost like the tail of a kite. The length of the "tail" was several times the size of the object and just hung straight down like a solid object. The tail was also very faint and hard to see in comparison to the very shiny object.

This occurred on Saturday, May 30 at around 6:25 pm. It traveled the length of the sky in no more than a couple of minutes. It was heading in a southern direction from Yardley. It is a very clear day with sporadic white clouds. Toward the end of our viewing it went into a thick cloud. However, the object was so shiny with a bright silver color, that we could still it easily while it traveled through the cloud. Then it disappeared in the distance.

Posted 2009-06-09

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