NUFORC Sighting 24974

Occurred: 2002-04-15 20:30 Local
Reported: 2002-09-10 07:53 Pacific
Duration: 3-4 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Clarksburg, PA, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object

Fat Object Hovers Over Trees

I have been investigating an incident which occurred on Route 286 neae Clarksburg, PA in Indiana County. At about 8:30 P.M. on April 15, 2002, two people in a car observed a bright light low in the sky moving towards them and hovered over some nearby trees. The light was attached to an object about the size of a bus, that was described as looking like the fuselage of an airplane but was to fat or wide. It also had two wings which appeared much to small to support the larger craft. There was a red non-blinking light on each wing, and the bright white light was at the front of the object. The object remained silent as it hovered over the trees, and it was still there as the car passed by.

>From Researcher: Stan Gordon. PA UFO Hotline: 724-838-7768 and


We express our gratitude to Stan Gordon, well-know UFO investigator, for submitting the report. His contact data are shown above. PD

Posted 2002-09-13

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