NUFORC Sighting 9671

Occurred: 1999-09-04 22:30 Local
Reported: 1999-09-11 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 6 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Nashville, TN, USA

Shape: Light

I had walked out back and looked up at the sky and a golden light was moving slowly across the sky. There were no flashing lights so I took one step back onto my porch to get my binoculars and stepped back out and the light was gone. Just gone. I went and got my mom to come look with me but there was nothing.

It was brighter and larger than any planets I have ever seen in the night sky. It was moving slowly towards the North East. There was no sound. I live close to the airport and I see all types of airplanes everynight. This did not appear to be an airplane because it just disappeared. It did not appear to be a meteorite because it was moving too slow. I don't know what it was. I listen to Art Bell and I have heard about all the lights in the sky so I decided to report this. I have never reported anything before even though I have had sightings before. 6 years ago my mom and I saw a craft being chased by a military plane low over a lake close to my house. But who do you report it too? Now, I know a place. You all.

Posted 1999-10-02

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