NUFORC Sighting 87213

Occurred: 2012-02-15 23:35 Local
Reported: 2012-02-15 21:21 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: South Kingstown, RI, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

At approximately this time, I let one of my dogs out into my large fenced and wooded backyard. The night was cold, clear, and many stars in the sky. My dog started barking wildly, which she doesn't do unless something is about. There is a large tract of wooded land beyond my back fence, and this was where she was directing her focus. I let my other dog out and she proceeded to the same spot beyond my fence. I saw nothing so went back inside.

The dogs were now barking more so I went back out; at this point they were barking up a tree at the back. I shone a flashlight up the tree and saw a raccoon staring down. This was the first raccoon I had seen in twenty years of living here. As I was looking up at the raccoon, I noticed a very bright light to my left, coming from the SW and heading NW, at an altitude of about 1000 ft., much lower than commercial flights into Warwick State Aiport. The light was orangy-yellow, about the brightness of Jupiter, and was ! surrounded by multi-colored smaller lights. There was no sound at all.

It appeared to pick up speed greatly as it passed to my north...a very smooth gliding but fast pace. I watched it through the pine trees until it was out of my sight to the NE. It was much faster than any plane heading toward the state airport and was much lower in the sky than the usual planes. The brightness of the light did not change during my total viewing, nor did the brightness of the colored lights that surrounded it.

This is not my first sighting in this area (Perryville section of South Kingstown). Three years ago I stood right under a large bright yellowish light, only 200 feet above me and just over a power transformer, that had an electric-like green light at the 'tail.' This object also smoothly pioted and glided away as I watched it dumb-struck outside of my car. I believe this area is a 'hotspot.'

Posted 2012-03-13

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