NUFORC Sighting 87136

Occurred: 2012-02-06 19:00 Local
Reported: 2012-02-11 05:26 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Grove City, OH, USA

Shape: Formation

line formation of 5-6 blinking lights, rapidly changing formation until out of sight.

driving around in the evening, I noticed a line of what I thought was airplanes in the distance about 5 or 6 of them, it was dark and they were blinking like distant airplanes torwards the south east, however each time the ones to the right of formation blinked they would return in different formation, an airplane could not preform in the time of a fast blinking light. They would be on top of other lights, blink again then been off to the right, blink again and return in triangle form and so on until they were out of sight. My younger daughter was with me and of course she really wasnt interested but she did see them. We continued to watch for 5 minutes or so, I went to get my husband to show and when we returned they were gone, imagine that.

Posted 2012-03-13

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