NUFORC Sighting 85814

Occurred: 1992-07-01 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2011-12-11 19:05 Pacific
Duration: 2 min
No of observers: 0

Location: Summerville, SC, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Triangular ship with bright white lights and complex outer body.

I cannot remember my exact age but I will guess close to ten. Perhaps younger. I was playing in my room with my younger sister and wanted to suddenly glance out the window.

I lean out of the window and glance up to see a giant triangular space craft. It was the shape of what appeared to be an equilateral triangle. On each point was a bright round light. The part that may sound weird, is that it looked similar to that of the Borg ship in Star Trek.

The outside of it looked like that but in a triangular shape. It hovered low and silently. It was moving from my left to right. I can only guess North West.

I was able to see most of it pretty well because the moon was out that night and from what I remember, the skies were pretty clear.

I pulled my self back in to tell my sister, but my family often made fun of me for liking the movie Mack n Me so they never believed me. They thought I was making it up. I never told anyone this since because to be honest it makes me sound like a lunatic. I dont know why I wanted to suddenly research this years later, but I did.

Posted 2011-12-12

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