NUFORC Sighting 5751

Occurred: 1997-04-01 23:05 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-02-28 00:00 Pacific
Duration: approx. 45 sec.
No of observers: 2

Location: Brush Creek, TN, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

The object came up over a group of trees at what seemed to be a very low altitude. Proceeded NNE until I guessed it to be somewhere near I-40 at which point it appeared to stop and remain motionless for about five seconds and then darted to the west at a high speed, stopped again, then disappeared.

I don't know the exact date but it was the night the Bulls won the NBA championship in 1997. The game just had gone off at 11:00p Central time and I was laying down. At 11:05p my dad came into my room and said, "Ryan, get up! You have to see this!" I went running outside thinking I would finally get to see a tornado because it was storming that night and the wind was really high. But as I stepped onto the porch everything was really calm. I said, "What is it?" He said, "Look!". I looked to my right which was SSE. There was a clump of trees about 40 or 50 feet tall and through the branches I could see two lights. The lights appeared to be relatively close and about the size of dimes. As I kept on watching these two lights came directly over the trees heading NNE...right at me. As it came across my field of view it was moving really slowly. I realized that it wasn't making any kind of sound at all. From the corner of the deck the object was in front of us maybe as far away as the highway(about 100 yards) and maybe only 75-100 feet in the air. REALLY low and REALLY close not to be making any noise. The object appeared to be short and fat. It continued on its current heading until it reached what I figured to be almost to the interstate(I-40). There it stopped. Stayed motionless for at least 5 seconds, then darted to the west, stopped for another second or two. Then disappeared. The whole time we could see the lights. Even as it traveled away from us. Dad called the Sherriff's Dept. and asked if anyone else had reported seeing anything like that. The person told him that a guy in New Middleton had called just before we did and told the same story. New Middleton is right off the interstate about 6 miles from where we live.

Posted 1999-04-02

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