NUFORC Sighting 5654

Occurred: 1997-07-03 22:30 Local
Reported: 1999-02-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: less than two minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Lexington, KY, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

I saw a triangular aircraft moving slowly and noislessly East to West.

On the evening of 3 JUL 97, I was taking out the trash. I walked basically south from the back of my home and placed the trash in the herbie. When I turned around, facing north, I could see a traingular shaped craft moving slowly east to west. I was able to tell its shape by the way it blacked out the starfield in the sky. It had a row of soft green dashes down the forward two edges, three on each edge. It appeared to pass in front of the house, but I was unable to get a sense of depth, so I could'nt tell if it was a large craft far away or a small one close. There is an airport about five miles from where I live, so we're used to aircraft noise. There was no noise that I could hear, not even that soft blowing sound of a high flying jet. It moved slowly westward until it disappeared behind the treeline. Th whole thing lasted less than two minutes. I attended the Thunder over Louisville air/fireworks show the next day. They had the 117-A Stealth Aircraft on display and the B1-B Stealth Bomber made a pass over the crowd at the event. Perhaps what I saw was the craft flying in for the show.

Posted 1999-04-02

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